Photo Art: Nature Photography
Alaska Flowers & Tundra, North Carolina Flowers, Seashells & Coastal Images, Paintings & Digital Designs

Go To The Seashell Gallery Page
Go To The  North Carolina and Alaska Costal Images Gallery Page
Coastal Images
Go To The  North Carolina Flowers Gallery Page
North Carolina Flowers
Go To The  Alaska Flowers Gallery Page
Alaska Flowers
Go To The  Alaska Tundra Grasses Gallery Page
Alaska Tundra Grasses
Go To The  Digital Design Gallery Page
Digital Designs

Go To The  Painting Gallery Page


You know there are some things that don't come to you until you are older. All my life I have been blessed. I did not realize the extent of the blessing until age gave me the wisdom to recognize how my gifts have blessed my life and added immense joy to my life experience. God gave me the gift of "seeing" and the gift of "sharing" by making art. All my life I collected images like some people collect coins or stamps. I was in awe of the natural world and its beauty. I captured these images with sketching, painting and photography. I was often amazed a second time when I saw the images set free in concrete form. I treasured them, took them out and enjoyed them and then a wise man who worked with me suggested that I start sharing them. I placed a few on the wall of my office and listened to the feedback and comments. It takes courage to share your visions and images but that is the end result of being given the gifts. Our gifts are meant to be shared. I believe we are given gifts every day if we just take the time to look around us. I am always; always amazed by the way God blesses our journey if we take the time to look.

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Website by web master Rick Doble